Company Facts.

Corporate philosophy.

Besides our standardised products, our company is specialised for the development and realisation of individual and demanding adhesives as well as casting products. We are able to customize the illegible adhesives so that they are perfect for the application or the production line. Therefore, innovative products like electric engines, light guide systems or components and high-frequency generators are part of our usual tasks.

You can find an overview of potential fields of application and their chemistries under the tab “Adhesives”. With many years of experience we are pleased to advise you on your process, and if required, we carry out an entire component bonding for you. It is our continuous goal to achieve the best results in any case.


Year of foundation


Employees at location


Location of development and production

Simulation & analytics

Benefit from our long-time know-how in gluing joints by a variety of tests. Aging influences such as UV light, temperature, humidity, electricity, mechanical forces, vibrations, chemicals or fire can be tested and evaluated in cooperation with various institutes and universities. Basic equipment such as tensile testing machines, DSC, rheometers or devices for measuring surface tension are available.


We place great value on the use of non-toxic raw materials with the lowest possible physiological impact.

Many of our raw materials are already on a natural basis, which is where we see the essential future of material selection: in products made from renewable raw materials.

Quality assurance

Each batch of each delivery comes with a quality test certificate according to DIN EN 10204-3.1 and special test requirements of the customer. Equipment such as a tensile shear testing machine and special test specimens for various standards are part of the quality department. Since the beginning, Adhesive Products GmbH has been certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001-2008 and DIN EN ISO 14001-2009.